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Category: Check for audio only
Ascended Master:
Ascended Masters
One who, through Christ and the putting on of that Mind which was in Christ Jesus, has mastered time and space and in the process gained the mastery of the self in the four lower bodies and the four quadrants of Matter, in the chakras and the balanced threefold flame.
More information about ascended masters.
Event Date MM/DD/YYYY
Start Date:
End Date: leave end date blank for a single day search
Date Search
Date Format Example: 1/12/1983 for January 12th 1983.
To search for everything published on a specific day enter the date into the Start Date field. You can leave the End Date field blank.
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Conference/SU: Conferences SU Quarters Seminars Other (selecting a conference or SU fills in the start and end dates)
Conferences and Summit University
The "Conferences" dropdown lists New Year's, Easter, Freedom (summer) and Harvest quarterly conferences.
The "SU Quarters" dropdown lists the Summit University Quarters with the start date and sponsoring masters.
The "Other" dropdown lists stumps and tours.
Making a selection in the dropdowns will fill in the start and end date fields so you can show everything published during that event.
More information about conferences.
More information about Summit University.
Language: Product Code: In Month: On Day:
On Month and Day Search
To narrow a search to a date ignoring the year, choose a month in the dropdown and and day of the month. This search is used with another criteria such as master or category.
Examples for using in month and on day are: finding all dictations given on your birthday, finding all dictations by Gautama given on New Year's Eve or all dictations by Lanello on Christmas Eve.
Tape Product Codes
Audio tapes and albums had product codes. These are often referred to in a Pearl. For example, if a Pearl had the following in a footnote, "Recorded on 5-cassette set (B85135-B85139); single cassettes also available (B85135, B85136, B85137)" you could enter the numbers starting with a B into the Product Code search field.
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